The Pen IS mightier than the Sword, my friend.

I was banned from my mother's dialysis unit by ARMED GAURDS just for speaking out about wholesale murr durr.

Your words are like fondant off an exquisitely decorated cake made to look like solar prominences held up by their own intertia.

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PJ, I'm so sorry you had to experience this medical fascism 1st hand. I hope your Mom's ok.

Thank you soooooooo much for that equally exquisite compliment. Can I use it to promote my book which I'm working on?

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mis palabras son tus palabras.

or, translated to ebonics by Jo Mamma, "Oh... hale yes!"

Anything that might flop out of my lingua franca here is fair game.

Tellus more about your book.

Do you have a publisher or are you considering print on demand like Lulu or Create Space? Will you be offering it digitally?

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Like my poetry, I'm going to self-publish (no publisher would touch my work with a 10 foot pole), offering a print on demand paperback as well as e-book. I'd prefer NOT to go through Amazon if possible. I already have the title and book cover (don't want to give away the title just yet as I'll announce it in a post - but it's a doozey I gotta say and in keeping with the content of my work).

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Could you convince publishers to touch your work with an 8-foot Swede or maybe a 6-foot Finn?

You can have total control with POD but if you want to enter into a marketing deal with them through major bookstores then you sacrifice ability to set prices. Can you imagine OUR WORK in Barnes & No Bell? I do imagine it, then I wake up, typically with a dry mouth and oddly on the floor.

The way things are going we MIGHT be able to get placed in the History Section for when people actually believed in Corn Spiracy Theories...

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I don't think I can convince publishers to touch my work with any kind of equipment, unless they're the kind who publish fringe literature or con-spear-I-see type stuff.

To your question about our work appearing in B&N, I can certainly try and apply the "Neville Goddard" method of imagining it in there, and flying off the shelves. It would be an interesting experiment to try. It's worked for me before for numerous other things. Hmmmm...

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You made me look.

"law" of attraction.

The only law of attraction that I'm aware of is that of the event horizon around a singularity where you are pulled apart by the atoms and then put in the garbage compactor in the chewy center.

Oprah and her Mysteries Cult. Like Attracks Like. Not in this universe. North Pole Attracts South Pole because Likes REPEL each other.

Two negative cables on a battery are still ground (except in Europe) therefore will conduct no current (some say that electrons do not travel).

I don't even see a fringe publisher being of any help since they are obscure and impoverished just like we are.

This Eyore Moment was brought to you buy Paxil, Adivan, Prosac, and Jack Daniels.

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Yeah, that event horizon experience is not quite what I was referring to, but rather attracting things to you; and no this has nothing to do with Oprah’s mystery cult. I get the polarizing opposite attraction thing and it works on that level. What I’m referring to is more like assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled even though your current situation doesn’t reflect it.

That Eyeore is sure on an interesting cocktail of substances 🤣🤣🤣

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Sep 14Liked by Victory Palace

Do not stop poeting ❤️

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I won't dearest Leren. Thank you for being there with me from the very beginning. *hugs*

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Sep 14Liked by Victory Palace

Loving this poetry

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Thanks so much Hazel. Really means a lot. Feel free to browse around for more of the same.

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"chemveil of plane cocaine" love this line, VP! Also, I wouldn't mind a few of those Gaza bombs dropped during a Super Bowl Brainwashing Shit Show. Keep up the great work, VP.

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🤣🤣🤣 thanks so much House.

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Loved this poem , all it said resonated deeply.💖 I believe words do change the world, because they come before actions…

If it’s ok with you I would like to read your poem on my weekly poetry share .

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Thanks a million Susan! Thank you ever so much for your kind and generous support! I’d love to know what the reaction is like. ❤️

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Unfortunately I was not able to copy the text, despite several attempts. Please could you DM me and I will give you my email or maybe you have it already . Then to send the text of the poem directly, so I can do it next week .

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Hi Susan, just sent you a .pdf of the poem which should work just fine.

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Hi Susan, Thanks a million. It's pretty cool that you're part of a poetry share and I'd be honored if you'd read my poem to your group. It's ok by me.

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That’s great, I plan to do it tomorrow and will of course credit you in the share.

May I give your poem the love it deserves 💖

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Sep 15Liked by Victory Palace

Your poem made me smile after so many days of tears. Keep adding your little light to the world. ✨😊✨💖

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Aw Kate, thank you so much. I'm glad it helped and hope you're doing better. I'll keep on shining as long as I can.

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Sep 14Liked by Victory Palace

Well, I liked it. Big changes are comin' so keep writin'.

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Oh, I will WH. Thanks a million for the encouragement. You do the same, ok?

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OK! ^_^


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Your thoughts are powerful, your ideas grand.. That is what we are here for to Imagine in the World we Wish to experience. When commenting with you earlier this summer on Neville Goddard, I was inspired to really pay attention this summer to THOUGHTS and how they create! I just posted on it. the Holographic Nature of reality, What is consciousness!!

I think we can change the world. Keep writing!

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1000 thanks Karafree! Will check out your post; thanks for letting me know about it.

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Sep 14Liked by Victory Palace

"No Time For Poets" great hook! Enjoyed, thanks!

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Thanks so much CM. It's actually a play on the film title, "No Time for Sergeants" which 1st was a play on Broadway back in the 50s, then adapted for TV.

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Sep 14Liked by Victory Palace

changing the world one poem at a time ♻️

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Thanks a million Thiago! Great to see you and hope you’re doing well!

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