Aside from protons, neutrons and electrons, the Universe is also made up of morons who stake their entire lives on a fragile piece of fabric, thinking they’re hermetically insulated from the deadliest lie-rus known to man(un)kind. You may think—if you can— it’s virtuous bravery but it’s really a form of medically induced slavery, a ritual welded to your face which no one but the great & powerful Ouchee can remove. It’s been 4 years and you still beLIEve (thanks to the hypnobox beaming alpha-induced waves into your brain) invisible germies will track you down and around plexiglass sheets, shower curtains between restaurant booths, except when you get to your table & open your mouths to eat. It begs the question: who designed such perfect enemies? You poor psypoconnedreacts... You thought you saw dead bodies in the street from China to Italy --but nowhere else!— and you fell for it hook line and sinker. How much deprogramming will it take for you to become a critical thinker? You think the world is safe as long as you see the royal badge on your phone. Oh no! those smart little bugs can sneak into your car especially when you're alone! It’s amazing how they fly through the air with the greatest disease, the symptoms of which were (hu)manufactured & patented by Mephistopheles. Yet people are still walking talking, looking alive (I guess), unlike the ones who took the poisoned dart under duress. You trusted Mr. Ouchee instead of your own heart. You listened to his sermons & stood six feet apart. You thought the magic potion would help protect your body, but it was a well-played game to cell your soul to big Daddy G. Once Mr. Ouchee (hand covertly tucked in suit) made the sign, you were overtly fucked as he Madoff w/ a ton of loot. He was vamping while you bought his song, reaching the Ill-board 100 for four years straight. & for the dissenters who wouldn't sing along you were quick to sling your arrows of hate. We tried to warn you, hoping you would have listened but you meekly stood in line while another needle glistened This is when science became a seance & nothing could wake you up from that spell. Mr. & Mrs. Masker would have you— a normal healthy human being— die before they take off their face die-per of complieance and fear. They’d sooner recycle their own CO2 & reduce their O2 levels to the brain—along with inhaling other spores & hazardous materials— to help save the planet from the dreaded climate change that’s been changing ever since the world was a baby sloshing in it’s chemical diapers. Gotta reduce those carbon emissions somehow! After all we are the carbon they want to reduce. The truth of the matter is too em-bare-ass-ing for you to admit. Poor Mr. and Mrs. Masker! you’ve pledged your allegiance to the face flag of the United Masks of American(‘t). & to the pHARMa sue tickle companies against which you took no stand, one vacciNation under Moloch, irreversible, with slavery & injustice for all.
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It’s not about your health or your neighbors. It’s about shutting you up, and making you a slave! 😷😷😷
I think Mr. Webster will have to add a new word to his Lex Eye Con:
all brilliantly penned using LED characters.
Must restack.